* When push comes to shove (GL Two Scoops Commentary for May 15, 2006) | Soap Central

When push comes to shove

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When push comes to shove
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You could cut the tension with a knife last week on Guiding Light. Lies are beginning to unravel, and it looks like Dinah might have killed another Springfield resident. Or did she?

You could cut the tension with a knife this week on GL. Lies are beginning to unravel and it looks like Dinah might have killed another Springfield resident. But did she do it? The little spoiler at the end of Friday's show makes you think so, but you never know in Daytime. I have to say that while I wasn't a fan of Dinah shooting Hart, A-M has certainly earned a shove off of a balcony for his bad-boy deeds since coming back to town. It also makes me wonder when Harley and Mallet's night together will hit the fan with Gus. You know it has to happen soon - May sweeps are nearly here!

It makes me more than a little sad to see Ross get so much air time now that the character is dead and Jerry verDorn is on OLTL. Why they couldn't come up with something to keep him with the show is beyond me. At least we get to see Liz Keifer more often - she's too talented not to get more story than she has recently. And where is Holly when Blake needs her?

But now we have to figure out several things. Why would Ross have a room in some island resort so far from Springfield. And what did the Spauldings have to do with the plane crash? My money is on something coming out about Phillip - who is dead to half of Springfield, but many citizens (and all of the fans) know he wasn't in that casket. Now can GL salvage this huge mess by bringing Grant Aleksander back to the show? It's nice to see that other GL fans feel the same way - even on Soap Talk this week, Grant's name was mentioned as an actor we want back on daytime - and he got a huge ovation from the audience on hand. Come on, GL. Get your act together!

This week we did receive three nice surprises from GL's past when Nadine, Jenna and Sarah returned. It was so nice to see all three ladies again - and it certainly brought back a lot of GL memories. I would love to see GL play more to the shows history when the opportunity presents itself. In fact, there are rumors circulating that Fiona Hutchinson (Jenna) might return in another role. Long time readers of this column know that I got to know Fiona a little around the time GL fired her (stupidly) and would love to see her back in Springfield.

Hopefully the trip down memory lane will make the current citizens of Springfield see where their lives are going and make some changes. How interesting that neither Nadine nor Jenna liked Buzz with Olivia - but not at all surprising. I just wonder how long GL will let this story continue. I hate seeing Buzz and Frankie at odds, but love to see Frankie on-screen any way I can get!

Reva's whole noble routine when she needs her family is totally ridiculous. How can you even try to keep such a serious illness from the people who you need to support you when you need it the most? Maybe GL will get Reva to spill the beans soon - and that Dr. McCabe could be an interesting romantic interest - if GL ever shows him with a sense of humor. Of course, he reminds me a little of how Jeffrey was written when he first came to Springfield. All business and no heart - perhaps the good doctor just needs someone to spend time with.

I'm glad that after the huge gaffe recently of not knowing how many kids Reva had that the show did remember that Miss Martha and H.B. (Josh's parents) are buried at Cross Creek. I'm not sure that I'm crazy about the idea of moving the cabin to Springfield - but I know it can be done. My childhood home was moved on a flat bed truck to make room for the Capital Beltway in the early 60's - I've seen the photographic evidence. Still, there was always something magical about a trip to Cross Creek - the location certainly brings back memories of Josh and Reva wedding # 1 - my personal favorite.

Since it's nearly summer, you know where we are headed - more teen stories. This whole Lizzie pregnancy will grab gobs of air time. If she and Coop do marry I can see this whole fiasco ending badly. Lizzie has too much Spaulding in her (although not genetically, since she is really a Marler - Phillip was duped about his own parentage for years) and Coop will end up getting hurt. But in the end, if this were a real situation, the baby would be the one to suffer. Lizzie is far too immature to raise a baby - even with all of the Spaulding resources. And a child of Lizzie and Jonathan's is a sure lock to be a hellion for life!

Of course, there are rumors that either Beth or Lizzie will lose the baby. Given what the little ones mean to the future plans of each lady, that could make for an interesting story. Beth has certainly come a long way from her simpering days of old - she's gotten feisty and I am enjoying watching her manipulate Alan. Those two do a fabulous dance around each other for power in the relationship. But the whole romance thing is a little icky - Phillip would definitely not be pleased (and maybe this is where we are heading with this story).

And with Leah Bauer coming back to Springfield soon, I am a little puzzled. Leah is now (according to Mel) 14 years old - MUCH older that Jude, her big brother. I guess GL thinks that fans will forget that Jude was conceived before Mel and Rick became a couple. Like we needed any more teens in Springfield. Maybe if the show left some of the babies and toddlers the age they are supposed to be, the characters and stories might mesh better. Just a thought.

Still, far removed from reality, it was nice to see the Mom's of Springfield past return to the show. And the absence of Maureen Bauer really highlights that only Rick remains from the family on which the show was founded. Maybe the show can address that sometime soon.....

I hope that all of the Mom's out there have a very Happy Mother's Day. I'm writing my column a day early so I can spend the day with my own Mom. Have a great time and treasure the time you have together! Keep the Light Shining and Have a Great Week!


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