All My Children Recaps: The week of June 3, 2013 on AMC

Celia was rattled by the frequency of her visions of the creepy man. Colby Chandler returned to Pine Valley. Jesse and Angie found a message from Cassandra. Jesse struck a bargain with Uri in exchange for Cassandra's freedom.
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All My Children Recaps: The week of June 3, 2013 on AMC
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the week of June 3, 2013
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Monday, June 3, 2013

From his New York hotel room, a livid Pete barked orders over the phone in response to David's press conference. Still reeling from her vision of the creepy man, Celia sat motionless on the bed, and Pete demanded that his staff handle damage control while he was on his way back to Pine Valley. Celia panicked when she had another vision of the man, but an oblivious Pete continued to rant that David would miss prison once Pete was done with him. Celia jumped when Pete slammed the phone down, but he still failed to recognize how shaken she was. He declared that they had to go.

At the Chandler mansion, David arrived, and Brooke shook his hand. He mused that it had been a long time since he'd been there, and he hadn't thought that he would be back. He assumed that she'd seen through JR's act, and he proclaimed that JR should be in jail for killing Marissa. Brooke offered her condolences about Marissa, and she explained that she knew what it was like to lose a child, but it hadn't been the reason she'd called him. Brooke commented that she had been intrigued by David's press conference, and he flatly refused to allow the Chandlers to have any piece of his research.

Brooke explained that her reason for contacting David had nothing to do with Chandler Enterprises, and she invited him to appear in an exclusive interview on her Internet program, Talk Tempo. He asked why, and she said that his life was a story of redemption. She offered him the opportunity to tell his story, unless he was afraid of being questioned about his motives. He thoughtfully agreed that perhaps it was time that people heard his side, and she said that he wouldn't be sorry. JR entered, and David asked how long JR thought his "Jason Bourne" routine would last.

David inquired whether JR had flashes of what had happened and then had to pretend JR didn't know. JR conceded that if he could remember, he'd hate himself, too, and he realized that he couldn't change the way people looked at him. JR asserted that he could only try to make up for it by being the best friend, father, and man that he could be. David remarked that the world was full of empty promises, and he answered a call from Pete, who began yelling. David told Pete to call him once Pete was back in town, and he abruptly hung up. JR advised David to focus on his own issues.

After David left, JR poured some water, and he asked if Brooke wanted to taste it. She replied that she trusted him, and he couldn't blame her for having doubts about him. Brooke revealed that the Chandler board had decided that David would be a good controversial figure to have on her new talk show. JR volunteered to put together some ideas for scripts, but Brooke thought that it was best for JR to concentrate on his recovery. He forlornly stated that he was working on it with Cara, and Brooke urged him not to give up.

At Jane's Addiction, Jane prepared a special drink for David called "a shot in the dark." Pete and Celia arrived, and Pete said that he would deal with David and then take Celia home. Pete berated David for calling the news conference to get attention, but David remained hopeful that he could form a partnership with Cortlandt Electronics. David contended that they would help the community and the job market while they saved lives, and he couldn't see it as anything other than a win-win situation for both of them.

Pete refused to be strong-armed into working together, and David wanted to discuss their potential collaboration further, but Pete tersely stated that he'd call David if he was interested. David questioned what Pete would have done in David's place, but Pete wouldn't be played. Meanwhile, Jane stumbled into Celia, who was obviously rattled. Celia asked Jane to tell Pete that she had to leave, and Celia rushed out.

At the hospital, Angie offered to contact Amy's family, but Amy worried that Uri would make good on his threat to harm her loved ones. Angie assured Amy that Jesse had dealt with all kinds of sick perpetrators, and nothing would stop him from finding Cassandra and ending Uri's operation, even if he had to deal with the devil to do it. Later, Joe noted that Angie had been spending a lot of time with Amy, and Angie remarked that Amy was her only connection to Cassandra, although she didn't even know if the same people who had held Amy were keeping Cassandra.

Angie cried that she felt helpless, and she envied Jesse for being able to do something, when she could only pray. Joe recalled that he and Ruth had felt the same way when Ray had taken a young Tad. Joe assured Angie that no matter what had happened to Cassandra, Cassandra would be fine as long as she had Jesse and Angie to help her get through it. Angie worried that they had to find her first, and Joe expressed confidence that they would, but Angie had to face the possibility that she would never see Cassandra again.

Angie asked for a status update at the police station, but an officer informed her that he wasn't at liberty to say anything about the human trafficking investigation. She demanded answers, unless he wanted to lose his job.

At the hotel, Jesse asked the girls where Cassandra was, and Tia simply said that the men had taken her. Jesse told Zach and a police officer to check the building, but Eileen informed him that Cassandra had been gone for a while. Eileen stated that Cassandra had been sure that Jesse would find her. Lea gently questioned the girls about Uri, and she assured them that the police were there to protect and help them. Lea promised them that she wouldn't let them get hurt again, but Tia snapped that Lea didn't know anything.

Jesse discovered Billy Clyde in the hallway, and he demanded to know what Billy Clyde was doing there. Billy Clyde huffed that he was helping the police to shut down the human trafficking operation, but Jesse wondered if Billy Clyde had tipped the Koslovs off. Billy Clyde told him to wake up, because the Koslovs had known that Cassandra was associated with the Pine Valley chief of police, so her fate was on Jesse's head, not his. Zach stopped Jesse from attacking Billy Clyde. Billy Clyde insisted that both he and Jesse were on the same side of God's law.

Lea reported to Jesse that no one was talking, and Jesse pleaded with the young women not to be afraid, because he would make sure that the Koslovs never touched them again. He contended that he and Cassandra's mother were worried, and he knew that he was closer to finding Cassandra, but he needed help. He begged them to share anything that they knew, and Eileen blurted that Tia had revealed Cassandra's identity to Uri, resulting in Uri taking off with Cassandra. Jesse glared at Tia.

At the police station, Lea asked Billy Clyde how he had known where to find the Koslovs, and he rambled nonsensically. She referred to the business card he'd had of the fantasy website, and Billy Clyde defended that he'd had a right to check out the people who had moved in on his territory. Lea inquired whether he was admitting to running a similar business as the Koslovs, but he condemned them for peddling flesh, whereas he provided a service for the loneliest of hearts.

Zach grabbed Billy Clyde and demanded to know if he'd tipped off the Koslovs, but Billy Clyde denied having anything to do with the trafficking of women. Billy Clyde added that he had offered to use his connections to help find Cassandra, but Jesse had turned him down. Billy Clyde complained that Jesse held a grudge against him, but the statute of limitations of his past indiscretions had ended. Billy Clyde bellowed that Jesse would love to sully Billy Clyde's name by insisting that Billy Clyde had a connection with the Koslovs, but it wasn't true.

Billy Clyde explained that he had persuaded a former client to tell him where the client had taken his business. Lea wasn't sure that Billy Clyde's reign as a "two-bit pimp" was all that different from the sex traffickers, but an offended Billy Clyde crowed that he had been top dog before the Russians had arrived. She asked for his business license and tax returns, but Billy Clyde maintained that she'd never find any connection between him and the Koslovs.

Billy Clyde pointed out that Zach was a big name in Atlantic City, and he guessed that Zach had been falsely accused of wrongdoing plenty of times. Zach said that the difference was that his casino was a clean business, and Billy Clyde glanced at Lea and bet that Zach's "lady friend" was hoping that Zach was telling the truth. Lea clarified that she wasn't Zach's "lady friend," but Billy Clyde sensed the chemistry boiling up between the two of them. He wished them luck in sorting it out, and he asked them to kick Satan where it hurt. Billy Clyde left, and Lea called the interrogation a waste of time.

Jesse picked up an outfit that had been crumpled up on the floor, and he noticed a note scratched in the wood paneling on the wall that stated, "I love you mom + dad. Cass." He struggled against tears. Meanwhile, Uri kicked a bound and gagged Cassandra, who was lying on the floor in an undisclosed location. He snarled that the time had arrived for her to really earn her keep.

Uri called Jesse and taunted that Jesse wouldn't find what he was looking for, and Uri declared that he was very unhappy that Jesse had dismantled Uri's operation. Jesse asked where Cassandra was, and Uri said that Jesse wouldn't find her that easily. Jesse ordered Uri to stop playing games, and Uri quipped that Jesse wouldn't win the prize unless he played. Jesse requested confirmation that Uri had Cassandra. Uri removed Cassandra's gag, and she desperately cried for help. Jesse yelled that he would find her, but the phone went dead.

Jesse called Uri back and demanded to know where Cassandra was. Uri hissed that if Jesse wanted to see his daughter alive again, Jesse would do exactly what Uri said, or the investigation would take a different turn. Jesse said that he was listening, and Uri ominously stated that Jesse would need to make a big sacrifice to save his daughter. Angie burst in and screamed for Cassandra.

Uri told Jesse to deal with Angie, and he warned that Cassandra's life depended on Jesse's decision. Jesse hung up, and Angie begged Jesse to tell her that he'd found Cassandra. Jesse pointed Angie to Cassandra's message on the wall, and a distraught Angie traced her fingers over the letters. Jesse called Uri back and agreed to do whatever Uri wanted.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

New episodes of All My Children now air Monday and Wednesday on Hulu, Hulu Plus, and iTunes. The most-recent episode will be available for free online viewing right here on Soap Central.

The ten most-recent episodes will always be available for on-demand viewing on Hulu. For additional viewing options or to be able to view episodes that are older than the ten most-recent, you may want to subscribe to Hulu Plus. For information on how to watch episodes, please click here.

If you've fallen behind or haven't yet decided if you want to watch All My Children, you can watch a free 30-minute catch up video of the first three weeks of AMC action. Click here to watch now.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

At home, Jesse offered Angie some tea, but Angie screamed that she didn't want tea. She wanted her daughter, and she was upset because Cassandra should have been at the location with the other girls. Jesse promised that they would find Cassandra and get her back to them.

Jesse left, and Angie said a desperate, sobbing prayer to God for Cassandra's safe return.

Later, Jesse met Uri outside by a building. Uri made Jesse promise that no police had followed him. Jesse demanded to know when he'd get his daughter. Uri said they had thirty minutes to conclude their business. If it didn't finish in time, Jesse would still get Cassandra, but it would be in pieces.

Uri handed Jesse a small metal item and said Jesse would head an investigation into a burned body. The metal item would identify the body through dental records. Jesse gleaned that the dental records were Uri's, and Uri wanted everyone to believe it was his body.

Jesse asked whose body it was, but Uri said Jesse's only job was to identify it as Uri's. Jesse assumed that Uri planned to fake his death and escape the consequences of what he'd done; however, all the girls and their families would still suffer in the aftermath of his crimes. Uri called it survival of the fittest, but he added that Jesse didn't need to concern himself with Uri's plans.

Handing Jesse a piece of paper, Uri instructed Jesse to call the number on it once the job was done. Uri gave his word that Jesse would then have his daughter. Jesse said it was the word of a liar. Uri figured that was all Jesse had, so Jesse should take it and hope for the best.

Jesse went to his office, where he received a call from Samuels about a burned body turning up. Samuels offered to handle it because of Jesse's full caseload, but Jesse insisted upon dealing with it.

When Jesse arrived at the scene, the responding officer said it appeared that whoever had burned the body had wanted a John Doe. The officer had found a letter opener, which he believed to be the murder weapon. Jesse instructed him to bag it, so Jesse could take it in for prints. Jesse became anxious when the officer said he'd already rushed it to the lab for prints.

At Jane's café, a blonde in a short dress and pink heels bumped into Pete. "Colby Chandler!" Pete exclaimed. Colby gasped when she recognized Pete, who'd gone from "dweeb to hot." She asked what had happened to transform him, and he noted that she hadn't changed a bit.

The two got a table, and Pete explained that his change had to do with him owning the hottest app company in the country. He said he was in Pine Valley to save Cortlandt. Colby relayed that she'd arrived to welcome her big brother back from the dead. Colby didn't recall that Pete had been so much fun, but he quipped that she'd just never noticed. "I'm noticing now," she responded.

At the mansion, JR entered as Brooke finished a phone call about filling an editor's position at her teen magazine. Brooke asked about JR's rehabilitation, and JR said it was going slowly. She advised him to take Cara's advice and be patient. Brooke left, and JR pulled the steroids bag from his pocket.

JR hid the bag as AJ entered. JR attempted to apologize for his reaction to the steroids. AJ was belligerent at first, but he admitted that JR had been trying to be a good father. JR said he'd made mistakes, but he'd get it right. AJ claimed he'd never had a good dad and didn't know how one acted.

AJ abruptly took off for the kitchen, and JR stashed the steroids in an envelope in the waste bin. AJ returned and showed JR how to use a tablet, and Brooke sat on the sofa to read. "I'm back!" the three heard Colby announce from the doorway.

Brooke and AJ greeted Colby, who insisted on kissing them each on both cheeks. Colby hugged JR and asked how he was feeling. He prattled off some symptoms but said he was better upon seeing her. Colby guessed his memory was bad because he hadn't been "loving on her" five years earlier. "Back then, you were a total shit, right?" Colby asked, turning to Brooke and AJ.

Later, Colby buttered Brooke up by saying the engagement to Adam made them practically family. Colby figured that meant Brooke could give Colby twenty thousand dollars to clear up a situation of Colby's. Brooke said the bank of Chandler wasn't handing out fun money, but she needed an editor for Teen Tempo. Brooke thought Colby would be perfect for the job.

Colby scoffed at the idea of working and asked if Brooke were joking. Brooke asserted that she wasn't. Brooke didn't plan on handing out money, and Chandler wouldn't, either. "Then I'll call Daddy," Colby declared. Brooke asked if Colby were in trouble. Colby changed the subject to Pete, who'd suddenly become hot and loaded. Brooke added that he was also taken.

Later, Colby seemed unhappy after her call to Adam. She asked JR if he had twenty grand lying around. Laughing, JR said that was the sister he knew and loved. He declined to give her money, and Colby griped about Brooke becoming the gatekeeper of their money. JR said Adam had thought it best to put Brooke in charge, and JR figured that Colby was just upset that she wasn't getting her way.

Colby asked what was wrong with her brother. She said the old JR would have thrown Brooke off a balcony already. JR claimed not to be that man anymore. Colby quipped that he needed to be. She ordered him to find and embrace his "inner asshole" before Brooke took everything from them.

Back at the café, Pete and a colleague discussed David Hayward. The colleague thought it would be tricky to get rid of David, who'd proposed a life-saving venture. Investors had begun calling and didn't seem to care that David was a felon. Pete supposed they should take advantage of the situation.

Though Pete abhorred David, Pete respected what David had done. Pete imagined that Palmer might have, too. Pete decided that if Hayward wanted a partnership, then Cortlandt would keep him on a short leash. Pete instructed his colleague to draw up an iron-clad contact so that Hayward couldn't "take a leak" without their permission.

After the meeting, Pete was exiting the coffee shop when he ran into David. David greeted his new partner, but Pete called David an "asshole." The two sat at a table, and Pete declared that the press conference had been an ambush. Pete said that working together had to be on his terms, and David replied that they could create a mutually beneficial partnership.

David suggested that Pete lighten up because they were about to make a lot of money. Pete asserted that he already made a lot of money, and he didn't trust David any more than Palmer had. David said they didn't have to be "besties" to make Cortlandt a success again.

At Bramwell Hall, Celia looked up causes of hallucinations. Sighing, she touched her Statue of Liberty charm. Evelyn rushed in, relieved that Celia was back. Evelyn asked why Celia hadn't awakened Evelyn in the night to say that Celia had returned. As Evelyn relayed how worried she'd been, Celia interrupted to ask if either of her parents had been crazy.

Evelyn asked what would make Celia think that, and Celia murmured that something was wrong with her. Evelyn declared that there was nothing wrong with Celia. Evelyn assumed that Pete had called Celia's sanity into question when Celia hadn't done something he'd wanted. Celia replied that Pete hadn't done that, nor had he pressured her to sleep with him -- if that had been Evelyn's fear.

Celia didn't know why it would have been wrong if she had slept with Pete, and she cited that every other girl in the world would have. Evelyn said that Celia wasn't every other girl, and Celia retorted that it was because Evelyn wouldn't let Celia out of her sight.

Celia remarked that Pete had understood her, and he hadn't pressured her. Evelyn guessed Pete was more of a gentleman than she'd thought, but she said Celia didn't understand the fast life Pete lived. Evelyn stated that even his mother had said Pete got what he wanted and then moved on to the next thing. Celia claimed Evelyn didn't understand him the way Celia did.

Evelyn assessed that Celia doubted being ready for a mature relationship with Pete, and it had caused Celia to think she was a little crazy. Evelyn believed that, in Celia's heart, Celia knew that Pete wasn't right for her at that time in her life.

Later, Celia encountered Pete outside the café. He'd been worried about her because she'd rushed off and hadn't returned his calls after he'd dropped her off the other night. He assumed that he'd done something wrong or had been too wrapped up in work at the end of the trip. Celia claimed that he wasn't the problem; she was. She said it was just too much too soon, and she couldn't do it.

Confused, Pete said that he and Celia had admitted to falling in love with each other while they'd been in New York. He promised not to pressure her into anything she wasn't ready for. Celia said it wasn't that, and he asked her to help him understand.

"There you are!" Colby exclaimed, prancing toward Pete. Colby stated that Pete had said they could have drinks later, but she offered to get coffee with him and see where the day took them. Celia bit out that she had to go because he was busy. Pete claimed that he didn't have any plans, and Colby was just an old friend.

Celia stalked off anyway. Removing her oversized sunglasses, Colby hoped she hadn't messed things up for Pete.

Later, David sat with AJ at the café, and David asked how school was. AJ shrugged, murmuring that it was cool. David asked about JR, and AJ said it was going. David didn't want to upset AJ, but David said he knew what JR was capable of. AJ asked if David didn't think people could change.

David supposed that it was possible; however, he said that JR had terrorized Babe and Marissa, who'd since died, and JR had kidnapped AJ -- more than once. David recalled JR's temper while JR had been drinking and noted that AJ had been afraid of JR when AJ had been younger. AJ asserted that he could handle it, and David replied that he was there for AJ, just as Marissa and Babe would want, because they were family.

JR entered in time to see David and AJ together.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

New episodes of All My Children now air Monday and Wednesday on Hulu, Hulu Plus, and iTunes. The most-recent episode will be available for free online viewing right here on Soap Central.

The ten most-recent episodes will always be available for on-demand viewing on Hulu. For additional viewing options or to be able to view episodes that are older than the ten most-recent, you may want to subscribe to Hulu Plus. For information on how to watch episodes, please click here.

If you've fallen behind or haven't yet decided if you want to watch All My Children, you can watch a free 30-minute catch up video of the first three weeks of AMC action. Click here to watch now.

Friday, June 7, 2013

New episodes of All My Children now air Monday and Wednesday on Hulu, Hulu Plus, and iTunes. The most-recent episode will be available for free online viewing right here on Soap Central.

The ten most-recent episodes will always be available for on-demand viewing on Hulu. For additional viewing options or to be able to view episodes that are older than the ten most-recent, you may want to subscribe to Hulu Plus. For information on how to watch episodes, please click here.

If you've fallen behind or haven't yet decided if you want to watch All My Children, you can watch a free 30-minute catch up video of the first three weeks of AMC action. Click here to watch now.



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