Robert Gant, best known for his work on the series Queer As Folk, is headed back to The Young and the Restless. He will reprise the role of David Sherman, the son of the Chancellor family lawyer, Mitchell Sherman.
While Y&R is keeping the exact details of Gant's return a secret, David's reappearance will be linked to a major storyline involving the Newmans.
Though he's now an established actor, Gant is actually a former lawyer. He attended law school at Georgetown University, and worked for the Los Angeles office of the Chicago-based law firm Baker & McKenzie. When the firm closed the L.A. office, Gant opted to focus on his acting career.
From 2002 to 2005, Gant appeared as Ben Bruckner on the Showtime soap, Queer As Folk. Gant has also made numerous guest spots on other primetime shows, including recent stops on Sean Saves The World, NCIS, and Mike & Molly.
Gant, who last appeared on Y&R in September 2013, will make his on-screen return on Friday, July 11. He'll also appear in several key episodes after that.
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