What is your reaction to OLTL's decision to write off Marston's Al?
Marston along with co-star Kathy Brier (Marcie Walsh) is one-half of the show's most popular couples in years and some fans are already questioning how the show could purposely ruin a good thing.
Marston joined One Life to Live in November 2001, taking over the role from newcomer Michael Tipps. Marston has previously appeared on CBS's As The World Turns in the role of Eddie Silva from 1998 to 2000. Following his stint on As The World Turns, Marston had a brief run-in with the law. In January of 2000, Marston was ordered to pay a $750 fine to Chase Manhattan Bank for abusing an ATM machine.
According to a spokesperson for the show, Marston's released was "storyline dictated." The spokesperson declined to comment on whether or not the role of Al would be recast in the future. As for Marston's co-star, it would not appear that Brier is going anywhere any time soon; Timothy Adams (Casey, Sunset Beach) will appear as one of Marcie's older brothers, Ron, beginning August 4th.
No final airdate was available for Marston.