David Press (alias used while staying at the hospital)
George Herman (alias used at the hotel)
Former baseball pitcher
Room 1224 at Salem Inn
Formerly traveled with his baseball team
Formerly in Japan
John Black (father)
Tori Narita (mother)
Brady Black (paternal half-brother)
Belle Black (paternal half-sister)
Hiro Narita (maternal grandfather)
Claire Brady (paternal niece)
Tate Black (paternal nephew)
Various model girlfriends while playing baseball across the country (not shown on screen)
Sonny Kiriakis (dated/lovers/Sonny proposed)
Theresa Donovan (flirtation/kissed)
Will Horton (lovers)
Paul was a professional baseball pitcher who had torn his rotator cuff. So, he arrived in Salem to see if Daniel Jonas would perform surgery to correct his arm. Daniel performed the surgery but couldn't give Paul or his agent an exact time table for Paul's return to baseball.
Paul flirted with almost every woman who came into his room, including Anne, Abigail, and Theresa. Theresa returned his flirtation and brought him gift baskets and even engaged in a few kisses with Paul. But, when Paul saw Sonny walking through the hospital, things changed.
Paul followed Sonny into one of the waiting rooms and kissed him. Sonny and Paul had dated years before. Sonny was shocked to see Paul in Salem. While Paul was happy to see Sonny, Paul didn't want anyone to catch him with Sonny. He still wasn't ready to come out. So, Sonny told Paul to move on.
Things for Paul got worse when Daniel told Paul that while the surgery was a success, it wasn't enough to restore his arm enough to be able to pitch again. Paul's career was over. Paul went to Sonny for comfort. He even told Sonny that they could be together now. While Sonny was sympathetic about Paul losing his career, Sonny reiterated that they could not be together.
Paul had already agreed to an exclusive interview with Sonix magazine about his return to baseball. Will Horton -- who was under strict rules from his editor to keep the article a secret -- was the writer. Paul and Will had met several times before Paul got the news about his surgery. When the news came in that he couldn't pitch anymore, the article changed direction.
Over their previous few meetings, Will had suspected that Paul may be gay. So, Will came right out and asked the direct question. Paul asked Will if he was gay. When Will said yes, Paul kissed him. The two ended up sleeping together. Afterward, they both agreed that it couldn't happen again. But their newfound closeness made it easier for Paul to open up to Will about his past life -- including a story of an unnamed man who proposed to him. Will was able to put together a draft of the column in which Paul came out. Paul approved the column and it went to print.
A few days before the article came out, Sonny was attacked by one of his uncle Victor's enemies in the square. Sonny was stabbed in the back and left for dead. Sonny was rushed to the hospital, but the hospital was short on O-negative blood. Maxine, the head nurse, remembered that Paul was O-negative and called him. Not knowing who the blood was for, Paul came in and donated right away. The doctors were able to save Sonny.
Adrienne saw Paul at the hospital. She recognized him. Sonny had told her about him. When she realized that Paul had donated the blood that saved Sonny, she thanked Paul and promised to keep him updated on Sonny's condition. Knowing that, Paul felt comfortable leaving town.
As Paul prepared to leave, he realized that he needed to see Sonny one more time. So, he snuck into Sonny's room to show him the article where he officially came out. But as soon as Sonny saw the article, he began remembered the events that happened right before he was stabbed. One of the employees at Paul's hotel had told Sonny that Will and Paul were sleeping together. Paul tried to explain that he had no idea that Will was Sonny's husband. But Sonny was furious and kicked Paul out of his hospital room.
After Sonny confronted Will with the news, Will rushed to yell at Paul. Will thought that Paul had told Sonny on purpose, as a way to get his husband out of the way so Paul and Will could be together. But, Paul realized that Will didn't know that Paul went to see Sonny because Sonny was the unnamed name -- the love of his life -- that Paul had told Will about in the article.
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