* Who's Who in Pine Valley: Damon Miller | All My Children on Soap Central
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Damon Miller
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Actor History
October 30, 2009 to December 2009 [recurring]; January 2010 to January 26, 2011 [contract]

Born August 6, 1991

Celebrated his 19th birthday on August 6, 2010


Law student at UC Davis

Former file clerk at the Pine Valley prosecutor's office

Former busboy/server at Krystal's restaurant

Formerly employed by ConFusion

Formerly a house painter

Formerly employed by the Seasons East Casino



Formerly 3420 Canyon Drive

Formerly a brief stay at Chandler Mansion (300 River Road)

Formerly the Pine Cone Motel

Formerly in Ohio

Marital Status

Single Never Been Married

Past Marriages



Hillary Wilson (mother)

Paul Miller (stepfather)

Langley Wallingford (maternal grandfather; deceased)

Betty Wilson (maternal grandmother; deceased)

Tad Martin (biological father)

Ray Gardner (paternal grandfather; deceased)

Opal Cortlandt (paternal grandmother)

James Edward Martin (half brother)

Kate Martin/Kathy Mershon (half sister)

Jenny Colby Carey (half sister)

Jenny Gardner (paternal aunt; deceased)

Adrian Sword (paternal uncle)

Peter Cortlandt (paternal uncle)

Jeff Martin (paternal uncle by adoption)

Tara Martin (paternal aunt by adoption)

Bobby Martin (paternal uncle by adoption)

Philip Brent (paternal uncle by adoption)

Joseph Martin Jr. (paternal uncle by adoption)

Henry Martin (paternal great-grandfather by adoption; deceased)

Kate Martin (paternal great-grandmother by adoption; deceased)

Charlie Brent (paternal adoptive cousin)

Kelsey Jefferson (paternal adoptive cousin)

Joshua Madden (paternal adoptive cousin; deceased)

Samuel Carlos Jefferson (paternal adoptive cousin)



Flings & Affairs

Bailey Wells

Cherry Patterson

Colby Chandler (dated)

Liza Colby (one-night stand; Jan 10, 2011)

Crimes Committed

Assault; attacked a valet at the Seasons East Casino [Jan 7, 2010]

Assorted breaking and entering, burglary, and theft charges [2010]

Stole Colby Chandler's car

Underage drinking [Mar 2010]

Stole medication from Pine Valley Hospital [Mar 2010]

Caused a car accident by texting while driving [Apr 5, 2010]

Vandalism; threw a rock through a plate-glass window of the Vine Street Liquor store [May 5, 2010]

Underage drinking [May 2010]

Underage gambling [May 2010]

Used a fake ID [May 2010]

Attacked a security guard at the Seasons East Casino [May 20, 2010]

Health and Vitals

Sustained a broken left arm in a car accident [Apr 5, 2010]

Has a peanut allergy [Jun 18, 2010]

Brief Character History

Damon Miller arrived in Pine Valley in late 2009 when a friend of his from Ohio named Bailey Wells contacted him. Damon had previously dated Bailey but had not seen her recently. Bailey had sent him a text and he assumed she wanted party and hook up again. When Damon connected with Bailey, she introduced him to her son Stuart and informed Damon that he was the child's father. Bailey had initially given her son up for adoption but reconsidered her decision and located her baby in Pine Valley. Liza Colby had been raising Stuart and she provided Bailey and Stuart with a place to live while Bailey decided if she could handle motherhood.

Damon was not immediately interested in being a father to Stuart but he played the part in order to live with Bailey rent-free in Liza's apartment. Bailey remained torn over what to do and Liza made the decision for her. Liza permanently handed over to Stuart to Bailey but she warned Bailey that Damon might not be the best influence in Stuart's life. Damon surprised Bailey when he offered his full support and promised to stand by her and raise their child together.

Damon got a job at the Seasons East Casino so he could support Stuart and Bailey but his employment did not last long. He was fired after he was involved in an altercation with a valet at the casino and assaulted him. Although Liza disapproved of Damon she agreed to help with the charges on Bailey's behalf. Liza also hired Damon to paint her apartment and she continued to represent Damon when he was accused of a rash of burglaries around town. He took refuge at the Chandler mansion as the police searched for him and Liza's daughter Colby agreed to hide him. Liza was not pleased about the friendship that was developing between Colby and Damon.

Although Damon claimed he was innocent of the burglary charges, Bailey doubted his innocence and questioned where he had disappeared to. When Bailey learned Damon was with Colby, she wondered if they were involved with one another. Colby swore nothing was going on between her and Damon but Bailey remained suspicious after Colby maintained Damon's innocence. Bailey was present at the police station when Damon was questioned about his whereabouts on a particular evening. Colby announced that Damon had been with her. Damon tried to privately convince Bailey that Colby was only trying to help him and that nothing had happened between them but Bailey walked out.

Bailey took Stuart and moved back to Ohio while she reconsidered her decision to have Damon in her life. Damon considered returning to Ohio but he decided to give Bailey space. In the meantime, he remained in Pine Valley and took a job waiting tables at ConFusion in order to send money to Bailey and Stuart. Damon lost his job at ConFusion after he was arrested for the burglaries. His DNA was linked to the crimes and he confessed. Liza agreed to represent him when she learned he committed the break-ins because working full-time was still not enough to cover the expenses involved with raising a child.

Tad Martin was impressed by Damon's desire to be a good father and he invited Damon to stay with him when he realized Damon was homeless. He accepted Tad's offer and Tad agreed to become his court-appointed guardian. Damon was sentenced to probation and community service at the hospital. Damon's mother Hilary Wilson briefly appeared in Pine Valley and Damon was surprised to learn she knew Tad. Damon was disappointed his mother left immediately after his court appearance and he responded by stealing a bottle of pills from the hospital.

Angie Hubbard, the chief of staff at the hospital, caught Damon stealing pills from the hospital on two separate occasions. Each time he swore he was innocent but the second time he did walk away with a bottle of pills. He ingested two of the pills and mixed them with alcohol. Tad lectured Damon about his reckless behavior and convinced Angie to give Damon one more chance to complete his community service before reporting his actions. Damon tried to push Tad away but he remained by his side and suggested Damon earn his GED. Colby agreed to help him study.

Damon felt like Tad and Colby were trying to control his life and he argued with them. He stormed off with Colby's car keys and she jumped in her car with him. He admitted to Colby he missed his son and started texting Bailey as he drove. He drove into another car driven by Brooke English. Colby sustained minor injuries while Damon and Brooke required surgery. They both made a full recovery and Brooke forgave Damon for causing the accident.

Liza refused to forgive Damon for causing the accident and continued to believe that Damon and Colby should stay away from one another. Damon faced a potential prison sentence for violating his parole and Liza refused to represent him. Angie suggested an alternative to prison. She and Tad looked over Damon's school files and Angie suggested that Damon might have ADHD. A visit with a psychiatrist confirmed Angie's theory and the judge sentenced Damon to mandatory therapy. Damon started taking medication as well.

Colby and Damon continued to spend time together and Liza called Damon a loser and warned him to stay away from her daughter. He refused and Liza witnessed a kiss between Colby and Damon. She confronted Colby about her budding relationship with Damon, unaware he was within earshot. Liza accidentally revealed that Tad was Damon's real father.

Damon took off and reacted by throwing a rock through the window of a store. The police questioned the store owner and he confirmed that he had seen Damon run through the area but Damon had not done the vandalism. Tad paid off the store owner and explained to Damon it was the least he could do after keeping their connection a secret. Damon agreed to continue to build a relationship with Tad but he refused to live with him. Instead, he took up Colby's offer to live in the Chandler mansion.

Colby and Damon continued to bond and she was there for Damon as he struggled to deal with being apart from his son. He also worried his ADHD might be passed to his Stuart. His fears were replaced with sorrow when Bailey admitted Stuart was not his son. Damon leaned on Colby and Tad and he decided to embrace the family he had with the Martins and he moved back in with Tad. He also promised to attend the next family function, which happened to be the upcoming wedding of his Uncle Jake.

While Damon continued to date Colby and develop a relationship with his newfound family, Liza observed the growing connection her daughter was forming with Damon. She learned Damon and Colby planned to sleep together for the first time after Jake and Amanda's wedding. Liza was determined to keep Damon and Colby apart and she tried to set Damon up so Colby would find him in a compromising position with a stripper. The stripper did not work out so Liza pretended to seduce Damon and planned to have Colby walk in. The plan was underway but Tad showed up at Liza's. Damon figured out what Liza had planned and used the interruption to turn the tables on Liza by taking incriminating photos of her in lingerie.

Liza continued to believe that Damon was not right for Colby and Damon held the photos over Liza. His relationship with Colby deepened and she professed her love for him although he was not ready to return her feelings. Colby made plans to head to New York for an internship and she planned for Damon to join her but he decided to remain in Pine Valley to continue to get to know his new family.

Tad officially adopted Damon and that made his decision not to head to New York final and Colby reconsidered as well. Damon encouraged Colby to take the internship and explained he did not want to hold her back. Colby assumed Liza had gotten to Damon and somehow convinced him to let her go. Damon responded that Colby was lucky to have a mother that cared so much. Liza overheard the conversation and later thanked him for defending her.

Damon responded by kissing Liza and commented that he kept the pictures of her on his computer because he enjoyed looking at her. Damon started to revert to his old ways, such as forgetting things and running late. Colby accused him of cheating on her although he insisted he was not. Damon continued to think about Liza and he often looked at the photos he had taken of her. Colby forgave Damon's erratic behaviors and she turned to him after she was stood up by her father and they had sex.

Liza remained on Damon's mind even after his relationship with Colby became intimate. He saw more of Liza because she was dating Tad. Liza and Damon remained uncomfortable around one another. His father ended his relationship with Liza soon after it began over her strange relationship with Damon. Tad said he could not become serious about someone that was unable to connect with his son. Liza claimed she felt awkward around Damon because he had made a pass at her and kissed her. Tad questioned Damon and he explained how Liza set him up the night of Jake's bachelor party. Damon took off before he learned that Tad believed him.

Since Damon was unaware that his father believed in him, he and Colby made plans to leave Pine Valley together. Liza tracked them down and gave Damon his ADHD medication. She confessed she had switched out his pills so he had been taking a placebo and encouraged him to give Tad another chance. He agreed and returned to Pine Valley with Colby even though she wanted nothing to do with her mother.

Colby and Damon befriended a young man named Asher after he pulled Colby to safety when a rooftop was about to collapse. Damon was reluctant to trust Asher when he sensed Asher's interest in Colby and the Chandler fortune but Asher covered for him after Damon caused some damage to Tad's car. Asher was hired by Colby's brother and he moved in to the Chandler mansion. Damon grew to trust Asher and he was glad Colby had someone to keep her company while he worked extra hours at Krystal's and studied for his GED.

Damon passed his GED and Tad and Colby were anxious to celebrate his achievement but he was not. His goal was to achieve better employment options and he was disappointed to learn most employers preferred someone with a college degree and without a criminal record. Damon was surprised when Liza offered him a position as her file clerk and he wondered what the catch was. She explained she was in dire need of an assistant and she wanted updates on how Colby was doing since she was still shut out of her daughter's life. Damon accepted the position.

The new job working for Liza occupied much of Damon's time and Colby spent more time with Asher. Colby confessed that Asher had kissed her but she remained committed to Damon. He appreciated her honesty and was touched that she missed him when he was working so much. Damon was disappointed Asher turned out to be a rival instead of a friend and he was bothered that Colby continued her friendship with him. Colby shared that Asher arrived in Pine Valley with a family connection and a vendetta against his father. Colby insisted Asher had a lot going on and needed a friend. Damon was not pleased and his relationship with Colby remained strained.

While Damon's relationship with Colby continued on shaky ground, Damon's relationship with Liza flourished. She provided him with more responsibility and she admitted he was a wonderful and caring boyfriend to her daughter. Damon attempted to convince Colby to reconcile with her mother but she refused. Colby questioned Damon's defense of her mother and accused him of becoming Liza's clone after he admitted an interest in attending college to pursue a career in law.

The distance between Colby and Damon increased and Damon walked in on a kiss between Colby and Asher. He was devastated and turned to Liza for comfort. They had sex but he immediately regretted what he had done. Colby found Damon and apologized for the kiss with Asher and claimed it was Damon she wanted to be with. He told her it was too late because he had slept with someone else. He did not reveal the person he had slept with was her mother.

Damon decided to move away from Pine Valley and Tad supported his decision. Liza had told Tad about her indiscretion with Damon and Tad understood the pressure Damon was under lying to Colby about who he had slept with. A friend of Damon's in Washington D.C. offered him a place to stay and a job as a deejay. Damon planned to exit Pine Valley as quickly and quietly as he could. As Damon prepared to leave, he learned he had another opportunity outside of Pine Valley. Liza had anonymously arranged for Damon to be accepted into a pre-law program at UC Davis in California.

Damon and Tad discussed the two options and Damon thanked Tad for his unwavering support. Damon chose the pre-law program in California and Tad held a going-away party for him. Colby attended and she and Damon admitted they loved one another but the timing was just not right. They wished each other well. Tad gave a speech and toasted all the happiness Damon brought into his life even though they had known each other for a short time. Tad declared Damon the best surprise he ever received and they said good-bye and promised to visit often.

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